Scripture Passage: Jonah 3
- 793 BC…Jeroboam II (2 Kgs 14)…Nineveh 759 BC?
- Just before Amos and Hosea…a period of economic prosperity in Israel but spiritual poverty
- Assyria was the dominant military force
- When God Pursues with Mercy (Ch1)
- When God Rejoices in Repentance (Ch2)
Second Chance: Same God, Same Mandate:
•The Lord speaks a second time…Get up and Go
•The message nor the messenger nor the recipient of the message have changed
•But Jonah has in someway…he obeys…God uses discipline not to destroy but to develop his chosen vessels
At Nineveh
•The message nor the messenger nor the recipient of the message have changed
•But Jonah has in someway…he obeys…God uses discipline not to destroy but to develop his chosen vessels
At Nineveh
•Jonah’s task is not easy…he has to walk through the entire city and get God’s message out
•The Ninevites show a character unlike that of a ‘Super Power’ and contrasting Israel
•Out of the King’s mouth more faith is shown in YHWH in understanding what true repentance looks like and can achieve
God’s Response
•The Ninevites show a character unlike that of a ‘Super Power’ and contrasting Israel
•Out of the King’s mouth more faith is shown in YHWH in understanding what true repentance looks like and can achieve
God’s Response
•Just as in Jonah’s case God is merciful and gracious to Nineveh
•God’s mercy and grace can come upon an individual as drops of rain or as a vast ocean over a multitude!
•He is God!.... (Ex 33:19;Ex 34:6-7; Is 55:8-9)
•God’s mercy and grace can come upon an individual as drops of rain or as a vast ocean over a multitude!
•He is God!.... (Ex 33:19;Ex 34:6-7; Is 55:8-9)
•The believer and the church is not self-purposed in God’s eternal salvific plan but called to ‘Go’ to the nations (Matt 28:18-20; 1 Tim 2:1-7; Eph 3:7-13)
•The task of preaching Christ is ours God works out the repentance according to his sovereign will
Take Away: Consider your missionary role and missional footprint in the Kingdom Work
•The task of preaching Christ is ours God works out the repentance according to his sovereign will
Take Away: Consider your missionary role and missional footprint in the Kingdom Work