Christ: Prominent? Or Preeminent?
Who is Jesus Christ?
- Image of the invisible God
- First born of Creation
- Originator of Creation
- Agent of Creation
- Goal of Creation
- Antecedent of Creation
- Sustains Creation
- Head of the Church
- First born from the dead
- Preeminent One
- In him dwells the fullness of God
- Reconciler of all things
- Maker of Peace
Christ Exalted
- Paul’s exaltation of Christ was crucial to the church of Colossae
- Paul’s identity with those in Colossae arises because of Christ (1:2)
- Christ was no more a visible person/personality…no monuments except for an empty tomb
- Paul ascribes 13 facts to Christ
- The brothers and sisters in Colossae were ‘shut out’ from God…enemies in their mind
- How? By their evil behaviour
- But now by faith they stand vindicated and presented holy before God
- So what is expected then of them who are Christ’s body? Perseverance in Preservation
Take Away
As a believer let the absolute truth of Christ’s Person and Position rule you. Truth or Dare are daily aspects of Christian living.
As a believer let the absolute truth of Christ’s Person and Position rule you. Truth or Dare are daily aspects of Christian living.